Bonded Rubber Mulch
Why Bonded Rubber Mulch?
Its flexibility combined with being excellent value for money means that Bonded Rubber Mulch is one of our most popular surfaces for both our commercial in-ground trampolines and wooden play equipment.
Bonded Rubber Mulch is made from from recycled solid rubber bark like shreds bonded with a resin. It is a simple, low cost alternative to wetpour and has a natural look like play bark, however it will not rot or blow away.
Give the team a call with any questions on 01276 855 600.
What makes Bonded Rubber Mulch a good choice?
Bonded Rubber Mulch utilises a combination of rubber bark and a binder (resin). This gives a single, seamless safety surface and enables you to shape the height and look of the mulch as required.
Bonded Rubber Mulch provides the correct level of impact absorption to mitigate the risk of injury from falls (the correct depth will depend on the critical fall height - see the diagram to the right). Customers who don’t require a critical fall height surface can still benefit from the use of our Bonded Rubber Mulch.
It provides a permanent surfacing solution which wont spread or deteriorate over time. This greatly reduces maintenance compared to the likes of wood chips which will move during use or adverse weather conditions.
Please call the team on 01276 855 600 for more information and to book a site visit.
Bonded Rubber Mulch at a glance

• Does not rot
• Porous surface which allows for drainage meaning the surfacing will not freeze
• Natural, muted colour options
• Critical fall height up to 3.5m
• 100% recycled
Critical fall heights

Most in-ground trampolines have a maximum ciritcal fall height. (The highest height you can potentially fall from/jump as high as). This chart shows the recommended thickness required for some common critical fall heights.
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